Thursday, December 12, 2013

Edward Snowden

         Edward Snowden is a twenty-nine year old former CIA employee who has leaked news of National Security Agency programs. Edward Snowden has been call a whistleblower and a criminal but is he really everything they are calling him or is he both? Edward Snowden is not a whistleblower nor a hero he is a criminal who provided information to the Washington Post and The Guardian. The information was classified documents exposing the government's secrets. He also leaked a 41 slide power point that is used to train the US personnel.
              Edward Snowden deserves to be in prison because he leaked important documents to the media . This documents recall a 41 slide powerpoint which details the NSA program called PRISM. the PRISM is data from the Internet which contains emails search histories and files send. The NSA uses this program to prevent terrorism or espionage suspects whit snowden leaked such an important thing he put everyone in danger because now everyones knows about such program and know they will be able to do this in a way that the us will not know. Not just that they will not be able to track down import information. By leaking this documents to the public he didn't only let terrorist have this information but put himself in problem. This also prevents the United States from protecting the country and the US people.