Monday, April 28, 2014

Grapes of Wrath

        "Brother, can you spare a dime?" By Yip Harburg, 1931 is a song that talks about a man's struggle to survive.  The Grapes of Wrath is similar to the song because it's also about a family trying to survive. They are similar because they both talk about the Great Depression.
        "Brother Can You Spare  a Dime" starts with "They used to tell me I was building a dream", dream refers to the American dream. The author opens the song telling the audience he was building a dream because he helped build this nation.  After everything he did, after building a nation when he was not needed anymore he felt left out. Because now that he is done with he's job there is nothing more for him, nothing but poverty and hunger. "With peace and glory ahead."
        "The Grapes of Wrath" is a story about a men and his family. The passage starts with a man and his two young sons approaching a dinner to purchase some bread. "You can't get no loaf a bread for a dime. We only got fifteen cent loafs." The problem with this is that the man only have a dime. The man was so honest that when Mae was going to give him the bread he rejected the bread even though he knew everyone including himself were really hungry.