Monday, April 28, 2014

Grapes of Wrath

        "Brother, can you spare a dime?" By Yip Harburg, 1931 is a song that talks about a man's struggle to survive.  The Grapes of Wrath is similar to the song because it's also about a family trying to survive. They are similar because they both talk about the Great Depression.
        "Brother Can You Spare  a Dime" starts with "They used to tell me I was building a dream", dream refers to the American dream. The author opens the song telling the audience he was building a dream because he helped build this nation.  After everything he did, after building a nation when he was not needed anymore he felt left out. Because now that he is done with he's job there is nothing more for him, nothing but poverty and hunger. "With peace and glory ahead."
        "The Grapes of Wrath" is a story about a men and his family. The passage starts with a man and his two young sons approaching a dinner to purchase some bread. "You can't get no loaf a bread for a dime. We only got fifteen cent loafs." The problem with this is that the man only have a dime. The man was so honest that when Mae was going to give him the bread he rejected the bread even though he knew everyone including himself were really hungry. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Who wrote Shakespeare

"Who wrote Shakespeare" by Terry Deary presents 10 claims about who might of been the real author of Shakespeare's plays. After Shakespeare death professors couldn't believed that he had the brain or the education towrite all these plays. A priest named James Wilmot was the one who started wondering if Shakespeare actually wrote everything that was claim to be by him. The priest eventually when to Stratford to see if he could find any records ahout Shakespeare,  but he couldn't find any letters by him or any book he owned. He was the one who first started the suspicions of who actually wrote all the plays.
    Here are the ten possibilities of who might of wrote Shakespeare. The first os Queen Elizabeth I, one of the claims argues that Queen Elizabeth I could be the real author. "The queen loved drama. But women and upper class people couldn't beseen to write something as common as a stade play". What this means is that there is a possibility that the queen gave what she wrote ti Shakespeare because she had the education to write the plays. This theory was disaplrove because there was no way she could of continue writing after her death. Another claim argues that Anthony Bacon the brother of Sir Francis Bacon wrote the plays or even Sir. Francis himself. The two brothers were said to have writing these plays because one visited the French King's court,  and the other knew a lot about laws and about the French king's court. This claims were also disapprove because the brothers knew nothing about theater and one of then wasn't in England when the plays were being performed. William Stanley and Christopher Marlowe claims were also disapprove because Christopher was murdered in 1592 because he was in trouble for his spying activities.  In the case of William Stanley there were no records of a Stanley play being performed because people often write plays that don't get performed.
   As much other people try to prove that Shakespeare didn't write all these plays it would be really hard because they most have evidence to prove their claims. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar were friends betray the man character and betray their own values. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act III, scene I the soothsayer warned Caesar of "The Ides of March" which means March 15. The soothsayer knew that something bad may happen. The soothsayer and Calphirnia try to let him know but he never thought that his own friends would ever betray him.  Caesar when to the capital thinking that everything was good will the rest followed him. When they all got there Tribonius trys to take Anthony to another place so he wouldn't be able to help Caesar. Decius, Brutus, and Cimmar when they saw Caesar along they finish what they had started and would not let anything or anyone get in there way. When one of them first attack Caesar, he was surprised that the last things he would ever see is his "friends" killing him.

  "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" is basically that people would do anything to get what they want and not care if someone gets hurt or kill. Decuis is a perfect example because all he wanted was to have more power than everyone else. Decius is that type of person who just cares about himself. While there are other humans who actually care about their people, countries, and communities.  Carat would be a perfect example of that kind of person he puts Rome before everything else including his own life.