Monday, February 10, 2014

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar were friends betray the man character and betray their own values. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Act III, scene I the soothsayer warned Caesar of "The Ides of March" which means March 15. The soothsayer knew that something bad may happen. The soothsayer and Calphirnia try to let him know but he never thought that his own friends would ever betray him.  Caesar when to the capital thinking that everything was good will the rest followed him. When they all got there Tribonius trys to take Anthony to another place so he wouldn't be able to help Caesar. Decius, Brutus, and Cimmar when they saw Caesar along they finish what they had started and would not let anything or anyone get in there way. When one of them first attack Caesar, he was surprised that the last things he would ever see is his "friends" killing him.

  "The Tragedy of Julius Caesar" is basically that people would do anything to get what they want and not care if someone gets hurt or kill. Decuis is a perfect example because all he wanted was to have more power than everyone else. Decius is that type of person who just cares about himself. While there are other humans who actually care about their people, countries, and communities.  Carat would be a perfect example of that kind of person he puts Rome before everything else including his own life.

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